
Kirk Easton
1 min readApr 28, 2021

Alright, day 3 baby!! Last night I finished my first “sprint” which is a problem assignment that I worked through as a pair. This sprint was pretty easy because it was all review. What was hard about it was that we were only given six hours to do it, whereas the first time I completed this assignment it took me somewhere between 36–48 hours. Having completed it before and working with a pair certainly helped, and we were able to refactor our code to make it much more sophisticated and succinct.

Today we start learning about data structure in JS (JavaScript). Last night after finishing the first sprint I read a couple articles about it and have spent about an hour this morning looking at youtube videos that teach the algorithms associated with this topic.

I’m still adjusting to the rigorous amount of brain processing power that is required for this adventure. My friends who have gone through this program have told me about the incredible amount of information overload that I will experience, and I’m starting to get the picture. This is done on purpose by the program, because once I start working in this industry this is the norm of experience. What this program teaches you that is invaluable is approaching this challenge with grace. Kind of like a paratrooper getting dropped into an active warzone, to get flooded with terrifying information and to accept it with a calm and serenity to make yourself useful and not freak out.

So here’s to not freaking out.


